How Homeschooling Works: A Guide for Parents

Homeschooling is an educational model in which parents homeschool their children rather than sending them to a traditional public or private school. Learn more about how it works & what regulations are in place.

How Homeschooling Works: A Guide for Parents

Homeschooling is an educational model in which parents homeschool their children rather than sending them to a traditional public or private school. It is legal in all fifty states, but each state has a different approach to how they regulate it. In homeschooling, the parent or guardian is responsible for their child's education. They choose the subjects to be taught (depending on the child's age and ability), as well as the curriculum and teaching methods, plan the schedule and teach or facilitate instruction.

We know that starting to educate your own children can cause feelings of anxiety, especially if not everyone you've told about your decision supports you. However, the surest way to begin to feel confident in your choice is to understand exactly what is required of you from a legal perspective and to ensure that you are following your state's individual guidelines. Knowing exactly what your state expects could change your view of the different homeschooling programs available; it could also help reduce the homeschool programs available to you. Before thinking about a homeschooling program, it's important to keep up to date with all state regulations for homeschooling.

Once you know what is expected of you in terms of how the state determines if you qualify to homeschool your child, who you should notify your decision to, what records you should keep, and whether or not your state requires any formal evaluation, you'll be well on your way to relaxing about your new adventure. Some accredited schools and other educational organizations offer online homeschooling programs. New York is one of the few states that require homeschooling graduates to submit proof that they have completed their secondary education. Here's how homeschooling could work, so you can see if it's a possible option for you and your children:

  • Parents of homeschooled children must keep accurate records of all courses taken throughout the high school career.
  • In general, how homeschooling works ultimately depends on where you live and how you want to teach your child.
  • If you decide to take up a homeschooling program under a “coordinating organization” (an organization that manages many homeschooling families), your child will be invited to activities and meetings with other homeschooling children.
  • New York homeschooling law also requires all high school students studying at home to take specific courses to complete their education.
We've taken the stress out of searching by breaking down the different homeschooling programs available to families and by providing resources to help you choose the perfect curriculum and homeschooling program for each of your children.

It turned out that her 12-year-old grandson was studying at home and had expressed an interest in computer programming. Personally, one of my most interesting experiences with homeschooling occurred when I was teaching computer science at North Carolina State University. It's their many stories and successes that inspire me in my own homeschooling, and I love to pass on the knowledge I've gained from them to other families learning at home. While students can follow their own pace and work independently most of the time, the responsibility for teaching ultimately lies with parents. This means it's the parents' job to make sure their children meet state standards and are ready to graduate. In conclusion, homeschooling is an independent education led by parents and funded by parents. With proper understanding of state regulations and resources available, parents can make informed decisions about their child's education and provide them with an enriching learning experience.

Johnny Mccrum
Johnny Mccrum

Incurable travel enthusiast. Extreme food enthusiast. Subtly charming bacon specialist. Unapologetic zombie nerd. Passionate internet fan. Typical internet scholar.