Top Of The Week

Which Homeschool Style is Right for You? A Comprehensive Quiz

Are you considering homeschooling your children but don't know which style is right for you? With so many different...

Will Homeschooling Ruin My Child? A Comprehensive Guide

Homeschooling is a practical method for educating your child, and it can provide many benefits, such as focused learning, ...

Are Homeschooled Kids More Successful?

Students who learn at home have a track record of high performance, with 69% of them succeeding in college and into...

Who Homeschools in Washington? A Comprehensive Guide

The Washington Homeschooling Organization (WHO) is a not-for-profit, statewide membership organization with a mission to...

The Impact of Homeschooling on Child Development

When it comes to the impact of homeschooling on child development, research indicates that it does not impede the...

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling: An Expert's Perspective

Homeschooling is becoming increasingly popular among families in the United States and around the world. With an...

Recent Post

The Advantages of Homeschooling: A Comprehensive Guide

Homeschooling is an increasingly popular educational option for families around the world. It offers a unique opportunity ...

5 Benefits of Homeschooling: A Comprehensive Guide

Homeschooling is becoming increasingly popular in the United States and around the world. In the US alone, there are now...

Will Homeschooling Affect My Benefits? A Comprehensive Guide

Families that choose to homeschool their children should not fear their ability to receive benefits under current law....

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling: What You Need to Know

Calm Mama Kit (4 most popular tools). Traditional education works for most of the population, but for some children and...

Do Homeschoolers Do Better in Life?

A growing body of research indicates that homeschooling graduates excel. Eleven of the 16 peer-reviewed studies on...

Does Homeschooling Affect Children's Social Skills?

Most research indicates that homeschooling does not have a negative impact on children's development of social skills. In ...

Accredited Homeschool Programs in Texas: What You Need to Know

Are you considering homeschooling your child in Texas? If so, you may be wondering which homeschool programs are...

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost in New York?

Homeschooling is an educational model in which parents take charge of their child's education. They are responsible for...